Page name: More My Random Pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-17 02:14:35
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Again, I took all of these

My shoes and my front yard.

A tulip or two.

A random tree along the river, I thought the way the roots grew was interesting.

In the middle of nature reservation.

The river.

The river, again.

The river, again.

The river, yet again.

A Dragonfly.

Another Dragonfly.

The same Dragonfly as above.

Jenya lighting the fire, with help from a can of Axe.

The can of Axe after we put it in the fire and it exploded.

My super evil cat (ask [robo_nay_is_hxc] and [fg9], she really is)

A bunny in the trees.

My newest pets: left to right- Lola, Glen, Scooter, Tiki, and Boo.

A swan =]

Yay for fireworks.

Fun with morning glory sparklers.

More fun.


fun day at the river.

sun and the bridge.

the water.

we kept catching baby turtles. this is a spiny soft-shelled turtle

just a random picture.

Lilly pads.






A duck.

Duck with his wing outstreched.

Yet another one of the plant.  For some reason I like these.

one of my new favorites.

My feet.. and a straw bale. =]

I love fall <3

Tiny red tree- couldnt resist =D


Sidewalk? haha.

It looked good in B&W

Meh, I liked it.

Ignore the trash can =P

yay for fall =D

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2007-06-08 [headbangLOVE]: wow sam. do you have some time on your hands??

2007-06-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hey, hey, hey, what's that supposed to mean?

2007-06-16 [robo_nay_is_hxc]: i like scooter, his pretty.

2007-06-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yup he sure is.

2007-08-15 [Obsidian Panthera]: Nice pics. Photographer much? :P

2007-08-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i try. =]

2007-08-15 [robo_nay_is_hxc]: AAAHHH! I want that that turtle!

2007-08-15 [Obsidian Panthera]: Me too! It's cute...It looks tasty. =3

2007-08-15 [Master Of Duct Tape]: nooo. no eating turtles.

especially ones from the rouge river- you'd grow a third arm.

2007-08-15 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yeah, that's true...:-/ I like having two arms.

2007-08-16 [Master Of Duct Tape]: me too.

although, imagine the attention you'd get. hahaha

2007-08-16 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yeah. Although it'd be pretty negative attention.

2007-08-16 [Master Of Duct Tape]: meh., i'm all about negative attention. I get enough of it already

2007-08-17 [~*~American Honey~*~]: I loved all of these they were awesome i loved the dragon fly and axe can :D lol^^

2007-08-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: thanks.

2007-08-18 [Obsidian Panthera]: That turtle is soo cool...It's shell is soft? :o

2007-08-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yea, it's a soft-shelled turtle. therefore the shell is soft. It's underbelly is even softer.

i imagine that's why they;re so mean- so they dont die so easily

2007-08-18 [Obsidian Panthera]: lmao. It would be fun to eat, therefore, except they're probably poison by now.

2007-08-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: no eating turtles.

espeically ones from the river.

2007-08-19 [Obsidian Panthera]: I know. It'd just give me a weird sort of satisfaction to eat a turtle that bit me. That's really sticking it to the man--err, amphibian!

2007-08-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahaha.  nice.

but you shouldn't eat baby turtles.

2007-08-19 [Obsidian Panthera]: Grr, I know...

Grown turtles? >_>

2007-08-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: no. not those either. I dont aprove of eating any aminals. turtle or not =P

2007-08-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: Oh yeah. 



2007-08-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: lol.  hahahahahaha

2007-08-21 [Syn's Desire]: wow.....where'd you take these pics? cuz it look slike the douglas adams preserve....

2007-08-21 [Master Of Duct Tape]: the newest ones were taken at the branch of the river off maple and southfield. the ones nearer to the top are at the nature preserve off evergreen.

2007-08-24 [Obsidian Panthera]: Ugh, I HATE ducks.

2007-08-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: but he's so beautiful!!!  =]

dude. you see the lightning ones?? those were from tonight.

2007-08-24 [Obsidian Panthera]: Yeah, those were some dangerous looking storm clouds.

2007-08-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: when we first went out (aka- when those pictures were taken) it was actually bright out. Then like 10 minutes later we were like .  DAMN!!!!!! it was like the apocolypse was comming.  =0

2007-08-24 [Rowan]: thats fucking awesome. the lightning, not the ducks, sorry.

2007-08-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha well thank you-- I try.

I would have gotten a billion more pictures of lightning but my batteries in my cammera kept dying and I would put it on the charger for 10 minutes then use it for a while 'till it died, and so on. 

2007-11-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: Nice sun pics.

I uh, stole one as my lappy background. It reminds me of a dream I once had. I still never figured that one out...So it gave me some ambition to try again.

2007-11-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha which one did you steal?? lolz. It's fine by me, as long as if anyone asks.. you know where it came from =]

2007-11-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: and if you want, I can upload the original file so It wont be all pixilated if you stretch it. =]

2007-11-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: I took the first one, with the telephone line. The second one is probably more like the dream, but meh. Could you upload them both?

2007-11-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah, I'll find them when I get home from work...  =]

2007-11-17 [Obsidian Panthera]: Shveet...

2007-11-23 [Master Of Duct Tape]: I totaly forgot to do that man. sorry! I will this weekend hopefully, I am at my dad's house right now and the picutres are on my laptop and he doesnt have wireless internet, (I'm not his desktop).

I'll do it, I promise.

2007-11-24 [Obsidian Panthera]: Thankies. I now remember the dream had to do with a church, and all of the people in it randomly turning to zombies and demons when I was there. >_>

2007-11-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah, that's my generaly view of church. HAHAHA

2007-11-24 [Obsidian Panthera]: XDDD They weren't bad people, though, it wasn't a Catholic church. *Rimshot*

2007-11-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha.   =X

2007-11-25 [Minerva]: LOVE the fall pics, awesome!!! That's the one thing I miss about being on the Mainland. Fall dosen't really do much in Hawaii. :)

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